Complete the text with the verbs in the past simple and past continuous.

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I (1) _Was Flying_ (Fly) over the jungle when I (2) ______ (Hit) a big tree as I (3) ______ (Sit) on the tree, a big snake (4) ______ (begin) movinf silenty to wards me. I (5) ______ (Take) out a knife and (6) ______ (Cut) the straps of my parachate. As I (7) ______ (Jump), Into the river, I (8) ______ (Notice) two crocodiles on the share when I (9) ______ (Hit) the what with a loond plash, they entered the river while. I (10) _____ (Swim) away from there, I (11) _____ (heard) a loud roar above I (12) _____ (look) up and saw a ladder swinging down from a helicopter.

*Please Help Me!
*Thanks 🙂

Complete the text with the verbs in the past simple and past continuous.

2. got hit by

3. sat on

4. it began

5. took

6. ?

7. jumped

8. noticed

9. ?

10. swam

11. heard

12. looked

maaf ya kalau salah