1. What do you know about pronouns

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2. Can you mention some of pronouns
3. why pronouns are needed in the introduction text?
4. What is the information in the introduction text?

1. What do you know about pronouns

1.(Pronouns) are words used to replace nouns, these nouns can be humans, animals, places and abstract concepts. The purpose of using pronouns can be caused by many things such as to be shorter, a name not mentioned repeatedly in a sentence and the effectiveness of a sentence.
2.   salah satu nya Personal pronoun..
personal pronouns dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu personal pronouns sebagai subyek dan personal pronoun sebagai obyek. Contoh sebagai subyek adalah "they, we, I, you, he, she dan it", sedangkan sebagai obyek adalah "them, us, me, you, him, her dan it."
personal pronouns

maaf..kalo salah..
maaf ..