Saya ingin tau cerita apa saja tentang fairy tale ?

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Saya ingin tau cerita apa saja tentang fairy tale ?

Fables, Fairy Tales, Stories andNursery Rhymes
Aesop's FablesThe Ass in the Lion's SkinThe Bat and the WeaselsThe Fox and the HedgehogThe Fox and the LeopardThe Fox and the MonkeyThe Lion, the Fox, and the AssThe Monkey and the CamelThe Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Sick LionThe Tortoise and the Hare
Hans Christian AndersenThe Beetle who went on his TravelsThe Emperor's New ClothesThe Little MermaidThe Princess and the PeaThe Snow ManThe Snow QueenThumbelina or Little TinyThe Ugly Duckling
Grimms Fairy TalesBeauty and the BeastCinderellaGoldilocks And The Three BearsHansel and GretelLittle Red Riding HoodSleeping BeautySnow White and the Seven DwarfsThe Three Little PigsThe Wise Little Girl
Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in WonderlandThrough the Looking Glass
Carlo CollodiPinocchio
Mother Goose and Selected Nursery RhymesBaa Baa Black SheepHey Diddle DiddleLittle Boy BlueLittle Miss MuffetMary Had A Little LambOld MacDonald had a FarmRing-a-Round a RosieThere Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A ShoeThree Little Kittens

Fairy tale adalah cerita dongeng yang tidak nyata.ada banyak kisah yg tidak nyata di Indonesia seperti: Gunung Tangkuban perahu, Asal mula danau toba, Batu belah batu betangkup dll