Dialog dalam bahasa inggris tentang perkenalan staff baru di perusahaan

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Dialog dalam bahasa inggris tentang perkenalan staff baru di perusahaan


Introduce Coworker in Meeting

Dylan : Good morning, how are you sir?

Johnson : Fine as always, have you found anyone who met our requirements?

Dylan : Of course I have. I’d like you to meet my friend Agnes. And Agnes, this is my boss, Johnson.

Agnes : How very nice to meet you. Dylan told me everything about you.

Johnson : Glad to meet you too. I wonder what things he told. Please have a seat both of you.

Agnes : How are you doing today?

Johnson : It’s fine as always. You?

Agnes : Pretty good.

Dylan : She graduated from Cambridge University majoring English literature with honour degree.

Johnson : Nice. She’s what we’ve been looking for.

Dylan : Can you tell us slightly about yourself?

Agnes : Well, I’m Agnes, 21 years old. I love to read books and listen to the music while having spare time.

Dylan : Where do you live Agnes?

Agnes : I live with my parents, my brother and my sister in Jakarta.

Dylan : John, what’s your hobby?

Johnson : I like to read novel and listen to the music too

Dylan : Good to hear that, I think we can get along together.


Dylan : Good morning, how are you sir?

Johnson : Fine as always, have you found anyone who met our requirements?

Dylan : Of course I have. I’d like you to meet my friend Agnes. And Agnes, this is my boss, Johnson.

Agnes : How very nice to meet you. Dylan told me everything about you.

Johnson : Glad to meet you too. I wonder what things he told. Please have a seat both of you.

Agnes : How are you doing today?

Johnson : It’s fine as always. You?

Agnes : Pretty good.

Dylan : She graduated from Cambridge University majoring English literature with honour degree.

Johnson : Nice. She’s what we’ve been looking for.

Dylan : Can you tell us slightly about yourself?

Agnes : Well, I’m Agnes, 21 years old. I love to read books and listen to the music while having spare time.

Dylan : Where do you live Agnes?

Agnes : I live with my parents, my brother and my sister in Jakarta.

Dylan : John, what’s your hobby?

Johnson : I like to read novel and listen to the music too

Dylan : Good to hear that, I think we can get along together.


Percakapan sederhana diatas adalah contoh bagaimana membangun percakapan diantara dua orang yang baru berkenalan. Dylan bertindak sebagai orang yang menjembatani Agnes dan Johnson. Ketika kalian ingin memperkenalkan rekan baru dalam sebuah pertemuan, tugas pokok kalian adalah bagaimana memimpin percakapan agar tetap mengalir dan saling akrab. Kita akan mempelajari beberapa Ekspresi atau ungkapan-ungkapan untuk mengenalkan seseorang.