C. Each of the following sentences has a passive meaning. Underline the verbs that should be

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passive. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. ….. The boy had never be stung by a bee.
2. ….. The suits were hung in the closet when they were returned from the cleaners.
3. ….. Money is lending by the credit union to those who want to buy homes.
4. ….. The record had been chose by dancers near the jukebox.
5. ….. The topic for your research paper should have been approved by your advisor.
6. ….. That song has been playing over and over again by Steve.
7. ….. Their utility bills have been increased again and again.
8. ….. The patients who are too sick to sit up are being assisted by the orderlies.
9. ….. The offices were thoroughly clean last evening by the night crew.
10. ….. The car that was struck in the intersection yesterday is being repaired today.

C. Each of the following sentences has a passive meaning. Underline the verbs that should be

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Untuk menjawab soal dibawah ini, maka kita harus mengidentifikasi verb dari kalimat tersebut. Verb atau kata kerja adalah aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subyek.

Selanjutnya kita perlu mengidentifikasi apakah bentuk verb tersebut sudah tepat atau belum, apakah menggunakan verb-1, verb-2 atau verb-3. Untuk kalimat yang incorrect, jawaban yang benar adalah verb dalam tanda kurung.

Each of the following sentences has a passive meaning. Underline the verbs that should be  passive. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)

1. (I) The boy had never be stung (been stung) by a bee.

2.(C) The suits were hung in the closet when they were returned from the cleaners.

3. (I)  Money is lending (being lent) by the credit union to those who want to buy homes.

4. (I) The record had been chose (chosen) by dancers near the jukebox.

5. (C) The topic for your research paper should have been approved by your advisor.

6. (I) That song has been playing (played) over and over again by Steve.

7. (C) Their utility bills have been increased again and again.

8. (C) The patients who are too sick to sit up are being assisted by the orderlies.

9. (I) The offices were thoroughly clean (cleaned) last evening by the night crew.

10.(C) The car that was struck in the intersection yesterday is being repaired today.



Active voice yaitu kalimat yang subyeknya melakukan aktivitas sedangkan dalam passive voice, subyek kalimat tidak melakukan aktivitas melainkan menerima aksi.

Beberapa formula dalam membentuk active voice menjadi passive voice beserta contohnya:

Present Simple Tense

  1. He writes a letter ⇒ A letter is written by him.
  2. They sell cookies ⇒ Cookies are sold by them.
  3. She helps me ⇒ I am helped by her.
  4. Does he write a letter? ⇒ Is a letter written by him?

Present Progressive Tense

  1. She is writing a letter ⇒ A letter is being written by her.
  2. They are eating a pizza ⇒ A pizza is being eaten by them.
  3. Is she writing a letter? ⇒ Is a letter being written by her?

Present Perfect Tense

  1. He has completed the homework ⇒ The homework has been completed by him.
  2. I have written some books ⇒ Some books have been written by me.
  3. Has he completed the homework? ⇒ Has the homework been completed by him?

Past Simple Tense

  1. He wrote a letter ⇒ A letter was written by him.
  2. Did he write a letter? ⇒ Was a letter written by him?
  3. I helped him ⇒  He was helped by me.

Past Progressive Tense

  1. She was washing the dishes ⇒ The dishes were being washed by her.
  2. Was she washing the dishes? ⇒ Were the dishes being washed by her?
  3. Boys were singing songs ⇒ Songs were being sung by boys.

Past Perfect Tense

  1. They had won the game ⇒ The game had been won by them.
  2. They had not won the game ⇒ The game had not been won by them.

Future Simple Tense

  1. She will write a letter ⇒ A letter will be written by her.
  2. Will she write a letter? ⇒ Will a letter be written by her?
  3. You will receive the letter ⇒ The letter will be received by you.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai materi active-passive voice, silakan kunjungi tautan berikut ini:





Detil jawaban

Kelas: 11

Mapel: bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Passive Voice

Kode: 11.5.8

Kata kunci: passive voice, active voice

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