Mr. Hans : I am just thinking about the next harvest. Would we like a failure like the previous harvest?

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Mr. John : Why did not you keep looking at your rice field?
Mr. John : I hope that we will get the best harvest.
Mr. Hans : I really wish because my job is only farmer.
FIND THE MEANING THE DIALOG ABOUE INTO INDONESIA .. tolong buatin kebahasa Indonesia nya

Mr. Hans : I am just thinking about the next harvest. Would we like a failure like the previous harvest?


Tn. Hans: Saya sedang memikirkan panen berikutnya. Apakah kita menginginkan kegagalan seperti panen sebelumnya?


Pak John: Mengapa Anda tidak terus melihat sawah Anda?

Tn. John: Saya berharap kita akan mendapatkan panen terbaik.

Pak Hans: Saya sangat berharap karena pekerjaan saya hanya petani.


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