Contoh text SPOOF pake twist “falling into a well” dong :)

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Contoh text SPOOF pake twist “falling into a well” dong 🙂

Spoof text: Falling Into a Well

There was a man. When he was walking, he fell into a well.

Many people saw the incident so they came to save him. Unfortunately no
one could enter the well to bring him out. Later, a smart man came up
with a bright idea to throw the man a strong rope to try to pull him out
the well.

When the rope reached  and hit the man’s head, he shouted angrily: “Don' bother me! Pick your own well, I am bathing.”

Do you get the point why that short passage can be labeled as a spoof
text? Before we are going to go further, Let's see its rough translation
to help you to  get better understanding