1. If you …………. (get) back late from school, your parents ……….(be) angry.

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2. If we …….. (not/see) each other tomorrow, we ………. (see) each other next week.
3. If Akmal ………. (come) to my house, I ………..(be) surprised.
4. If we ………….( wait) here, we … (be) late.
5. If the weather ……….. (not/improve), we ………….. (not/have) a picnic.

Tolong dibantu ya kak,hari ini harus dikumpul soalnya,tolongg dibantu yaa, makasih

1. If you …………. (get) back late from school, your parents ……….(be) angry.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. If you get back late from school, your parents will be angry.

2. If we don't see each other tomorrow, we will see each other next week.

3. If Akmal comes to my house, I will be surprised.

4. If we wait here, we will be late.

5. If the weather doesn't improve, we will not have a picnic.

Note :

Kelimanya menggunakan conditional type I


Conditional sentence adalah kalimat bersyarat di mana suatu keinginan dapat terwujud apabila persyaratannya terpenuhi.

Conditional type I

➡ menjabarkan keinginan yang kemungkinan terjadi saat ini ataupun nanti-nanti (real possibility) berdasarkan prediksi.

Formula :

If+Simple present, Simple future

If+S+verb1(s/es)…, S+will+verb1……


If we wait here, we will be late.

Conditional type II

➡ menjabarkan keinginan yang diragukan terjadi saat ini atau mendatang (hypothetical situation).

Formula :

If+Simple past, Past future

If+S+verb2 ……, S+would+verb1……


If I were you, I would ask your teacher.

Conditional type III

➡ menjabarkan keinginan yang tidak terwujud di waktu lampau (truly hypothetical). Pengulasannya saat ini hanyalah sebagai gagasan bilamana terjadi perubahan.

Formula :

If+Past perfect, Past future perfect



If he had kept the promise, his girl friend wouldn't have been disappointed.


Learn more about

Types of conditional sentences



Stating the fact in the conditional sentence




Grade     : XII

Subject   : English

Category : Sentence structure

Code : 12.5.2

Keywords = if clause, conditional