1. it was the … time the writer went by plane. a first b second c third d fourth 2. at first, the writer refused the snacks and drinks offered by the flight attendants because … a he was not hungry b he did not like the food c he thought he had to pay for them d he was afraid of the flight attendant 3 what did the speaker do to the snacks and beverages after his brother explained about it? a he enjoyed them b he put them under his seat c he kept them in his bag d he gave them to other passengers 4. the flight from solo to surabaya was … a .long b. brief c. boring d. terrifying bantuu:) ​

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1. it was the … time the writer went by plane. a first b second c third d fourth 2. at first, the writer refused the snacks and drinks offered by the flight attendants because … a he was not hungry b he did not like the food c he thought he had to pay for them d he was afraid of the flight attendant 3 what did the speaker do to the snacks and beverages after his brother explained about it? a he enjoyed them b he put them under his seat c he kept them in his bag d he gave them to other passengers 4. the flight from solo to surabaya was … a .long b. brief c. boring d. terrifying bantuu:) ​


1.a first

2.a he was not hungry

3.c he kept them in his bag

4.b. brief

-Maaf kalo salah