Kak tolong buatin dialog bahasa Inggris tentang NEW YEAR

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Kak tolong buatin dialog bahasa Inggris tentang NEW YEAR


Hi all Indonesian people now have a new year, hopefully our achievements will be realized. forget the old sheet open the new sheet


Agak panjang yaaaa

Angel: I can't wait to see the firework tommorow night!

Anne: Yep ,Because tommorow is New Year Eve

There will be alot of Festivals and free food ,Yum!

Angel: I know right!? ,Btw are we going to buy some Fireworks? I'm gonna buy them later

Anne: Nah ,I bought alot yesterday ,You can take some because i bought too much!

Angel: That's so sweet of you Anne! Thank you!

Anne: Your welcome


Anne & Angel : Wow ,So beautiful!

Anne: Happy New Year Angel!

Angel: Happy New Year To You Too!!

Anne: Oh yeah ,Let's go light our fireworks now,

but be careful, It can be dangerous

Angel: Ok!

*After Lighting their fireworks*

Angel: Look at them go!

Anne: Yup ,Up to the sky and then boom!

Anne: Now ,Let's go to the Food festival!

Angel: Good Idea!


Sebenernya masih bisa si lanjutin ,Tapi segini aja lah

Semoga membantu! (◠‿◕)