Cerita fabel dalam bahasa inggris bergambar

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Cerita fabel dalam bahasa inggris bergambar

The owl and the nightingale
there was once a nightingale in a cage by a window,that was his habit to sing only at night.an owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was,"when i was captured," explained the nightingale,"it was day and i was singing.in this way i learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night."
"are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl."oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk.now it doesn't really matter any more,right?"

The diligent Ants and the lazy Grasshopper

On a hot day in a summer, a group of ants was working hard to collect food. They lifted the grains of wheat that they had gathered into their nest. When they were lifting their food, the grasshopper came and taunted them ” hay ant what did you do, come on just relax for a moment, do not be too busy gathering the existing food “” we are preparing food for next winter, instead of playing, better you collect your food “said the ant. However, the grasshopper didn’t heed the ant’s word. He continued to play throughout the day.

When the winter arrived, the grasshopper was starving. He was looking for food everywhere but he did not find anything “ahhh I’m so hungry, why there is no food for me to eat” the grasshopper complained. Then he went to ants’ house to ask for food. “Ant, please help me, I am hungry. Give me something to eat “pleaded grasshopper “hey grasshopper, you should collect food when summer instead of playing “said the ant. Grasshopper continued to appeal to the ants “help me, you’re right if I only I had worked hard that day, I would not be hungry! “The ants felt pity on grasshopper then he gave grasshopper a food “Okay I’ll give you a little food “said the ant” You’re so kind to me, thank you” said the grasshopper. Finally the ants gave some food to grasshoppers. Grasshopper promised from now on he would work harder than playing around.