How to Elya Hot Air Balloon A hot air balloon consists of a basket. four big gas tanks a burner and the bolloon or ‘envelope’. First, the pilot puts four nylon poles into sockets on top of the basket. Then she puts the burner on top of the poles. Next, she connects the cables to the burner frame. The cables also go under the basket in order to hold everything together. After this, she connects the hoses from the full gas tanks to the burner so that she can test it. 7. How manypart does not air balloon have? It has parts A one B two C. three D. four​

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How to Elya Hot Air Balloon A hot air balloon consists of a basket. four big gas tanks a burner and the bolloon or ‘envelope’. First, the pilot puts four nylon poles into sockets on top of the basket. Then she puts the burner on top of the poles. Next, she connects the cables to the burner frame. The cables also go under the basket in order to hold everything together. After this, she connects the hoses from the full gas tanks to the burner so that she can test it. 7. How manypart does not air balloon have? It has parts A one B two C. three D. four​


Cara Elya Balon Udara Panas Balon udara panas terdiri dari keranjang. empat tangki bensin besar pembakar dan bollon atau 'amplop'. Pertama, pilot menempatkan empat tiang nilon ke dalam soket di atas keranjang. Kemudian dia meletakkan kompor di atas tiang. Selanjutnya, dia menghubungkan kabel ke rangka pembakar. Kabel juga berada di bawah keranjang untuk menyatukan semuanya. Setelah ini, dia menghubungkan selang dari tangki bensin penuh ke kompor sehingga dia bisa mengujinya. 7. Berapa bagian yang tidak dimiliki balon udara? Memiliki bagian A satu B dua C. tiga D. empat


itu saja sudah saya terjemahkan saya rada rada ga paham siii cuman kayak nya empat sii gtw juga hehe