Please pay attention to the following.

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1. Handle your daily tasks carefully. You need to know which task is to be [1] ______________. Work

hard and you are sure to be [2] ____________. Be attentive and smart in your work always.

2. Don’t [3] _________________ any resources provided by your company for your [4] ___________.

Even if you are in charge of office equipment’s, do not consider to flick out a piece or two as the

numbers may be [5] _________________.

3. Maintain your work place by cleaning your area of work. Having a [6] ______________ around you

gives you more inspiration to work and impacts you with [7] _______________.

4. Every workplace defines a [8] _________________ or schedule for having lunch or coffee breaks. It’s ​

Please pay attention to the following.

Please pay attention to the following.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. Handle your daily tasks carefully. You need to know which task is to be [1] prioritized. Work hard and you are sure to be [2] rewarded. Be attentive and smart in your work always.

2. Don’t [3] misuse any resources provided by your company for your [4] personal benefit.

Even if you are in charge of office equipment’s, do not consider to flick out a piece or two as the numbers may be [5] unnoticeable.

3. Maintain your work place by cleaning your area of work. Having a [6] good environment around you  gives you more inspiration to work and impacts you with [7] clean space.

4. Every workplace defines a [8] specific time or schedule for having lunch or coffee breaks.


Arti dari kalimat di atas adalah

1. Tangani tugas harian Anda dengan hati-hati. Anda harus mengetahui tugas mana yang [1] diprioritaskan. Bekerja keras dan Anda pasti akan [2] dihargai. Selalu perhatian dan cerdas dalam pekerjaan Anda.

2. Jangan [3] menyalahgunakan sumber daya yang disediakan oleh perusahaan Anda untuk [4] keuntungan pribadi Anda.

Meskipun Anda bertanggung jawab atas peralatan kantor, jangan coba-coba untuk mengeluarkan satu atau dua bagian karena angkanya mungkin [5] tidak terlalu mencolok.

3. Pertahankan tempat kerja Anda dengan membersihkan area kerja Anda. Memiliki [6] lingkungan yang baik di sekitar Anda memberi Anda lebih banyak inspirasi untuk bekerja dan memengaruhi Anda dengan [7] ruang bersih.

4. Setiap tempat kerja menetapkan [8] waktu atau jadwal tertentu untuk makan siang atau rehat kopi.

Pelajari lebih lanjut It’s always [9] … by those time schedules pada
