Change to the simple past tense (use the full form)!!!!!

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1. I Will leave next week
2. She Will brings her books
3. Mary Will call us
4. We Will leave for Austin Monday
5. He Will study tonight
6. They Will meet you in the lab

sip tolong di jawab dengan benar

Change to the simple past tense (use the full form)!!!!!

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. I Will leave next week
→ I left last week

2. She Will brings her books
→ she brought her books

3. Mary Will call us
→ Mary called us

4. We Will leave for Austin Monday
→ We left for Austin Monday

5. He Will study tonight
→ He studied last night

6. They Will meet you in the lab
→ They met you in the lab

✐ kalimat soal di atas termasuk ke dalam simple future tense. Untuk mengubah ke dalam simple present tense, maka formula atau rumus yang digunakan yaitu :
(+) S + Verb 2 + O/C
(-) S + did + not + Verb 1 + O/C
(?) did + S + Verb 1 + O/C?


Subject : English
Level : JHS
Category : tenses
Keyword : simple past, simple future, affirmative