10 kalimat advantages dan disadvantages..??

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10 kalimat advantages dan disadvantages..??

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1 Can make our life easier
2 Help us to study
3 Can communicate with people around the globe
4 Create an opportunity for marketing place
5 Help to understand about other culture
6 Make new friends
7 Shoping via online
8 Online Banking or E-banking
9 Someone's information
10 Get to know places from site like Google Map

1 Young child get easily addicted
2 Cyber Bullying
3 Cyber Crime
4 Pornographic websites
5 Expose our self to hackers
6 Create a controversial thought
7 Sometimes we get fake (hoax) information
8  Creating a misunderstanding among people
9 Can;t get our self away from the internet
10  Dangerous to know that people can easily track you from you locatio or GPS