18. Hanum: I’m sorry, I have to go now. Nice to

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meet you. Farida.
Farida …… Hanum
a. Good bye
b. You are nice
C. Nice to meet you, too
d. You make me happy, loo
19. Look at the picture!
X : What time do you
usually play football in
the afternoon?
Y : Tusually play football at
in the afternoon
a. four
b. five
d. seven
20. Look at the pictures!
The correct command for
the pictures is
a. Paint the board!
b. Clean the board!
c. Look at the board!
d. Write on the board!

18. Hanum: I’m sorry, I have to go now. Nice to

18. C

19. gambarnya gaada

20. gambarnya gaada