The following text is for questions 4 to 5.

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Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes. For example, in science and mathematics education, scholars have documented that the use of ICT can improve students’ conceptual understanding, problem solving, and team working skills. Consequently, most curriculum documents state the importance of ICT and encourage school teachers to use them. However, teachers need to specifically trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching.

Schools are known to be resistant to innovation and change, however, the spread of ICT is beginning to affect how teachers teach. One of the current issues about the use of ICT is how it is integrated into the curriculum. The curriculum document provide arguments for introducing ICT in the school setting. Therefore, schools expect that graduates from teacher education programs have a reasonable knowledge of how to use ICT. However, this may not be the case because most current teachers’ pre-service preparation, and subsequent in-service courses were designed by using traditional educational technology and settings. Thus, the participants in these courses are not familiar with the processes, interaction patterns, features, and possibilities of teaching learning processes based on ICT.

Effective development of pre-service teachers’ ICT proficiency does not seem to be a direct process, but is the one asking for a careful, complex approach. First, a need assessment is important to find out what ICT skills and knowledge teachers need at schools. Second, designers of teacher education programs should know the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT and their attitudes toward ICT integration into curriculum. Third, teacher education programs need to consider the two typical arguments that support the ICT use in schools.

4. Which of the following best restates the sentence “Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in education. On the one hand, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes.” in paragraph 1?
A. ICT usage has been a vital topic in education and studies indicate that ICT can develop teaching and learning upshot.
B. Studies have shown that ICT can enrich teaching and learning end result
The use of ICT has been an insignificant topic in education. C. Also, studies have shown that ICT can enhance teaching and learning outcomes.
D. Over the last two decades, the use of ICT has been an important topic in educational method.
E. Over the preceding two decades, studies have exposed that ICT can increase teaching and learning outcomes.

5. Based on the passage, paragraph 1 most likely discusses….
A. educational growth in the last two decades
B. the development of education by using ICT
C. the advantages of using ICT in the learning process
D. teachers need to be trained in order to integrate ICT in their teaching
E. ICT and education in today’s learning development​

The following text is for questions 4 to 5.

4. B. Studies have shown that ICT can enrich teaching and learning end result.

5. C. the advantages of using ICT in the learning process.

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4. Enhance is closer in common with enrich, which means to enrich. Important topic which means the important topic is closer to significant which means something that can give effect / impact in this case ICT in the field of education. Whereas vital is more to something related to life / economy.

5. In paragraph 1 it is stated that ICT has an important role in the development of education. The advantages of using ICT include being able to increase students' conceptual understanding, finding solutions to problems and teamwork.

Good luck #MuhRizki