Tolong buatin dialog b.inggris 2 orang yg mencakup Asking for opinions and giving opinions , certainty and uncertainty , asking for repetition , expressing politeness , expresing feelings , attracting someone’s attention. Buat uprak dibantu ya tolong

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Tolong buatin dialog b.inggris 2 orang yg mencakup Asking for opinions and giving opinions , certainty and uncertainty , asking for repetition , expressing politeness , expresing feelings , attracting someone’s attention. Buat uprak dibantu ya tolong

Andre : Hi Bob, where have you been? I didn’t see you for a week. (Hai Bob, darimana sajakah kamu? Aku tidak melihatmu selama seminggu).

Bobi : Yeah, I enjoyed my long holiday. (Ya, saya menikmati liburan panjang saya).

Andre : Wow, cool. Where did you go?(Wow, keren. Kemana kamu pergi?).

Bobi : I went to Amed beach in Karang Asem. Have you ever visited that place? (Saya pergi ke Pantai Amed di Karang Asem. Pernahkah kamu pergi kesana?).

Andre : Hmmm… Never, but I ever saw it from TV. Is it a good Beach?  What do you think about Amed Beach? (Hmmm… Tidak pernah, namun aku pernah melihatnya dari TV. Apakah pantainya bagus? Apa pendapatmu mengenai pantai Amed?).

Bobi : In my opinion, it is an awesome beach. It has many good diving spots. Besides, you can also see a beautiful sunrise in the morning. (Menurut pendapat saya, itu adalah pantai yang mengagumkan. Pantainya memiliki banyak tempat menyelam yang bagus. Disamping itu, kamu juga bisa melihat matahari terbit yang indah di pagi hari).

Andre : What a good place to spend a holiday! (Betapa tempat yang bagus untuk menghabiskan liburan!).

Bobi : Yeah, of course. If you have a long holiday, I think you should go to Amed. Karang Asem has many beautiful beaches. (Ya, tentu saja. Jika kamu memiliki sebuah liburan panjang, saya rasa kamu harus pergi ke Amed. Karang Asem memiliki banyak pantai-pantai yang indah).

Andre : Yes, I will. I agree with you. Last year I went to Virgin Beach in Karang Asem. It is not too far from Denpasar. Have you ever gone there?(Ya, saya akan kesana. Saya setuju denganmu. Tahun lalu aku pergi ke Pantai Virgin di Karang Asem. Pantainya tidak terlalu jauh dari Denpasar. Pernahkah kamu pergi kesana?).

Bobi : Not yet, I just know it from my friends who have already gone there. They said that the beach has a beautiful white sand. How’s your opinion? (Belum, aku hanya tahu itu dari teman-teman yang sudah pernah pergi kesana. Mereka mengatakan pantainya memiliki pasir putih yang indah. Bagaimana menurut pendapatmu?).

Andre : Personally, I think Virgin beach is a beautiful beach and a good place to spend your weekend. Your friends are right. It has a gorgeous white sand. (Secara pribadi, aku pikir pantai Virgin adalah pantai yang indah dan merupakan tempat yang bagus untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan. Teman-temanmu benar. Pantai Virgin memiliki pasir putih yang sangat Indah).  

Bobi : Cool, please take me there sometimes. (Keren, ajak aku kesana suatu waktu).

Andre : Sure. There are a lot of places that we can explore in Karang Asem.  Have you ever visited Tenganan Village? (Tentu. Disana ada banyak tempat yang bisa kita jelajahi di Karang Asem. Pernahkah kamu mengunjungi desa Tenganan?).

Bobi : No, I have not. I only ever heard that village from my grandfather. As far as I know, Tenganan is one of famous Bali traditional villages. Balinese called it “Desa Bali Aga”. The house styles and ornaments are very traditional. They also have a unique tradition called “Perang Pandan”. (Tidak, aku belum pernah. Aku hanya pernah mendengar desa itu dari kakek saya. Sejauh yang saya tahu, Tenganan adalah salah satu desa tradisional Bali yang terkenal. Orang Bali menyebutnya “Desa Bali Aga”. Gaya dan ornamen rumahnya sangat tradisional. Mereka juga memiliki sebuah tradisi unik yang disebut “Perang Pandan”).

Andre : Yes, I ever heard about it.Some people say that “Perang Pandan” is an offering ceremony to honor God Indra (God of War) and the ancestors. The ritual is held annually in June. (Ya, aku pernah mendengarnya. Beberapa orang mengatakan “Perang Pandan” adalah sebuah upacara persembahan untuk menghormati Dewa Indra (Dewa perang) dan para leluhur. Ritualnya diadakan secara tahunan yaitu di bulan Juni).   

Bobi : What a unique tradition it is. We should go and watch it once.(Betapa suatu tradisi yang unik. Kita harus pergi dan menontonnya sekali).

Andre : Alright, let’s arrange a trip to Karang Asem next June. What do you think? (Baiklah, ayo kita mengatur sebuah perjalanan ke Karang Asem Juni depan. Bagaimana menurutmu?).

Bobi : I’d say that is a brilliant idea. Can’t wait for that month. (Aku akan mengatakan itu adalah sebuah ide yang sangat bagus. Aku tidak sabar menunggu bulan itu).

Andre : Yeah, me too. I’ll contact you later. See you Bob. (Ya, aku juga. Aku akan menghubungimu nanti. Sampai bertemu Bob).

Bobi : Alright, see you Andre. (Baiklah, sampai bertemu Andre).  

Asking For Opinions And Giving Opinions :

A : Excuse me sir. may I ask you a question?B : Sure. Go ahead.A : Me and my wife want to go to muaro jambi temple, but we dont know the way to go there. do you know where it is?B : Of course. its on Jl …….. (isi sendiri ya. sori aku gatau. bukan orang jambi soalnya 😀 ) A : How far is it from here?B : It's like (atau bisa diganti pake about) 5 kilometers (misalnya).A : How can we get there?B : You can get there by public transportation or private car.A : Thank you so much. I owe you a lot.B : Never mind.
Certainty And Uncertainty :

Lara : "Hi, Henry."Henry : "Hi, Lara."Lara : "As the class leader and you're my vice, what do ya think if we decorate our class?"Henry : "Sure, Lara. That's a good idea. I agree with you."Lara : "How about if we decorate our class with some poster and a wall magazine, Henry?"Henry : "Okay, Lara. but I also have a suggestion for displaying the work of our friends such as poetry or short storiesLara: "I think it would be interesting."Henry :"Well Lara, i don't have poster. Do you have, Lara?"Lara: "No, i don't have it."Henry :"what if we buy it?Lara : "Hmm.. I don't have enough money to buy some poster and the material to made a wall magazine."Henry : "I think we should use the money from our class treasurer."Lara: "Are you sure? Hey, the financial condition of our class is very bad."Henry: " Unfortunately, what if we do a donation to buy the materials?"Lara: "it sounds is better."Henry : "Sure, Lara. When will we buy the material ?Lara : "I couldn't say right now, Henry. I'm afraid if our classmate doesn't agree."Henry : I will tell them and Mr.Oka Lara : "But, are you certain if Mr.Oka agree for our plan? Meanwhile our class's walls are dirty."Henry : "Of course."Lara : "By way of what, Henry? Are you positive we should paint our class?"Henry : "Positive, Lara. I'll call Mr.Oka and talk about our plan" Lara : "Okay, then thank you for the idea and thanks for helping me, Henry."Henry : "No problem, Lara."
Asking For Repetition :

Luke: Mike, can you help me to close the door, please?
Mike: Sorry Luke, i can't hear what you've said. can you repeat it for me, please?
Luke: I said, can you help me to close the door,please? Mike: Oh, sure,No problem. Luke: Thanks, Mike.
Mike: You're welcome.