Tolong jawab y!! butuh skrg​

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Tolong jawab y!! butuh skrg​

Tolong jawab y!! butuh skrg​

1. My mother cooks a rice

( – ) : My mother doesnt cooks a rice

( ? ) : Is my mother cooks a rice ?

2.Sissy and John do not bring the umbrella

(+) : Sissy and John bring the umbrella

(?) : Is Sissy And John bring the umbrella ?

3. Does she visit her grandma's house ?

(+) : she visit her grandma's house

(-) : she is not visit her grandma's house

4. they buy some gift

(-) they are not buy some gift

(?) are they buying some gift ?

5. do we have a cute rabbit ?

(+) we have a cute rabbit

(?) we dont have a cute rabbit

maaf jika ada kata kata yang salah di ucapkan

1. My mother cooks a rice

( – ) : My mother doesnt cooks a rice

( ? ) : Is my mother cooks a rice ?

2.Sissy and John do not bring the umbrella

(+) : Sissy and John bring the umbrella

(?) : Is Sissy And John bring the umbrella ?

3. Does she visit her grandma's house ?

(+) : she visit her grandma's house

(-) : she is not visit her grandma's house

4. they buy some gift

(-) they are not buy some gift

(?) are they buying some gift ?

5. do we have a cute rabbit ?

(+) we have a cute rabbit

(?) we dont have a cute rabbit

maaf jika ada kata kata yang salah di ucapkan