Jawaban tugas b.inggris vocabulary exercises kelas 10 halaman 9 kurikulum 2013

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Jawaban tugas b.inggris vocabulary exercises kelas 10 halaman 9 kurikulum 2013

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Tugas bahasa Inggris Vocabulary Exercise kelas 10 halaman 9 yaitu

1. Saidah has many favorite writers and books. She frequently saves her pocket money to buy best seller books. She IS really INTO reading.

2 In the next letter to Caroline, Alia wrote: “ I like scuba diving.So if some day you visit Indonesia, I will take you to go scuba diving in Bunaken National Marine Park. The place is amazingly beautiful. Doesn’t that SOUND cool?”

3. Hannah and her brothers learn how to manage their store everyday. Later they want to RUN their own business.

4. In her letter, Alia often introduces the beauty of Indonesia to her E-PAL. In her emails, she describes many magnificent cultural events and amazing nature that can only be found in Indonesia.

5. Alia in her letter wrote that her MOTHER TONGUE is Batakese, but she can also speak other languages, like Madurese, Indonesian,and English.

6. Unlike Saidah who IS INTO books, Hannah are more INTO animals. She has 3 dogs that need a lot of attention.

7. Alia, Hanna, and Saidah become good friends. They hope that someday they can ATTEND a traditional or modern music concert together.

8. Hannah told Alia that she was very happy when she got a HALF SISTER, a baby girl from her mother’s second marriage.

9) Alia has many E-PALS, those with whom she makes friends by writing them emails. They live in other countries, so she never meets them.

10) Alia likes to try to speak in English with her classmates, but just like Saidah, she also sometimes SLIPS BACK into Indonesian.


Arti dari kosakata di atas adalah

pen-pal = sahabat pena

sound = tampaknya

run = mengelola, menjalankan

(be) into = sangat menyukai

attend = datang

distant = jauh

mother tongue = bahasa pertama

half (sister/brother) = saudara tir

Slip back = kepleset

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai main idea a letter from Saidah pada brainly.co.id/tugas/776452
