Task 21, 22, 23 … Tolong yaa, mau nyamain jwbn

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Task 21, 22, 23 ...
Tolong yaa, mau nyamain jwbn

Task 21, 22, 23 …
Tolong yaa, mau nyamain jwbn

Task 21

1. Farah and I go to the canteen together

2. Yudi greets Us when we meet in the valley

3. He is going to the library to read a magazine

4. He and jojo usually spend break time there

5. He love reading books and magazines

6. I often see Them reading magazines seriously

7. Do you know what my hobbies are? yes, I love swimming and listening to music

8. Ranti is my neighbor, I often meet Her while jogging in the morning

9. Ranti always listens to music from her cell phone and keeps It in her pocket

10. I like Her because he is humorous and cool

Task 22

1. This math problems are complicated, could you help me solve The Problem please

2. Agus looks very happy Because He received the best mark in science

3. Mother looks very exhausted after doing the washing. I'll make Her a cup of tea

4. The car is broken. Father will take The Car to a workshop soon

5. Yudi and Elly meet at he alley. They are going to the library

6. Reva is humorous. She always makes her friends laugh with her stories

7. Amir, I saw A Girl walking wit beautiful girl this morning. who is she

8. We have to wait in front of purnama supermall. Giovani will fetch Us at 6:30 a.m.

9. Why didn't You call me if you were in trouble yesterday? I could have helped you

10. Do you know the man sitting on the bench over there? He sits there every afternoon

Task 23

1. what is your Interest? Do you like acting in a drama?

2. The people with the same hobby then form a new Community in my neighborhood

3. To minimize the travelling cost, we decide to travel as Backpackers

4. How many Members does organization have?

5. we should use our Exciting lives for positive deeds and activities