rewrite the following sns using complete sentence! hi ida : hay? Ru fre @ D wknd 4 my B’day party @ my add? pls come if u can on satne @ 8. it will B GR 8 2 cu again hand. Ricy.. tolong dijawab

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rewrite the following sns using complete sentence! hi ida : hay? Ru fre @ D wknd 4 my B’day party @ my add? pls come if u can on satne @ 8. it will B GR 8 2 cu again hand. Ricy.. tolong dijawab

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Hi ida, how are you? are you free at the weekend for my birthday party at my address? please come if you can on Saturday evening at 8. it will be great to see you again. have a nice day. ricy