Buat 10 kalimat/dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan asking and giving services!

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#kak tolong ya aku belum mengerti tentang ini tolong jawab besok di kumpulkan:(

Buat 10 kalimat/dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan asking and giving services!


apa sih asking and giving service?

asking service itu maknanya meminta bantuan

giving service itu maknanya memberikan bantuan

jadi asking and giving service maknanya meminta dan memberikan bantuan.

contoh dialog

Mother :" are you busy Kayla?".

Kayla :" no i'm not mom, what can i do for you?"

Mother:" i want to make a Nastar cake for eid fitri tommorow, but we run out of eegs. could you give me a hand to buy some eegs?".

Kayla:" Sure mom, i will help you to buy some eegs".

mother:" i know i can always count on you. you can buy the eegs at the minimarket".

Kayla:" ok mom, i will go there and got the eegs. how much that we need?".

mother:" 16 eegs, here's the money".

Kayla:" ok mom i will be right back".

semoga membantu:)