Permutasi dari katasquid game ​

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Permutasi dari katasquid game ​

Permutasi dari katasquid game ​


squid game










jumlah huruf : 10

unsur ganda :

1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 8 × 9 × 10 = 3.628.800

permutasi dari squid game 3.628.800

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answer :

Distinct Ways to Arrange Word SQUIDGAME – Workout

The below workout is the step by step procedure to find how many number of distinct ways to arrange the 9 letters (alphabets) of word "SQUIDGAME". Users may use any other word by changing the word "SQUIDGAME" to find the total number of distinct ways to arrange different words.

Step by step workout

step 1

Address the formula, input parameters and values


nPr =n!  / (n1! n2! . . . nk!)

Input Parameters & Values:

Total number of alphabets (n) & subsets (n1, n2, . . nk) in the word "SQUIDGAME"

  • n = 9
  • Subsets : S = 1; Q = 1; U = 1; I = 1; D = 1; G = 1; A = 1; M = 1; E = 1;
  • n1(S) = 1, n2(Q) = 1, n3(U) = 1, n4(I) = 1, n5(D) = 1, n6(G) = 1, n7(A) = 1, n8(M) = 1, n9(E) = 1

step 2

Apply the input parameter values in the nPr formula

=9!  / (1! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1! 1! )

=1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9  / {(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)}

=362880  / 1

= 362880

In 362880 distinct ways, the letters of word "SQUIDGAME" can be arranged.

 {huge {sf {red {boxed {colorbox {black}{Way Back Home}}}}}}

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