I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

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1. asked one of his friends to help him carry his books …
The best expression is.

a. do you want to help me carry these books?
b. I can help you
c. I will help you
d. I hope I can


Texts for questions 2 to 4

To: Beni
Please come to my 14th birthday party
What was done on:
November 8, 2013
3-5 things
Mentari House
Jl. SermaMuchtar No. 97

Please call (0261) 2200102

2. Who is invited to the party?

a. Beni
b. Dani
c. santi
d. Bani


3. How old is Lina?

a. Thirteen
b. fourteen
c. fifteen
d. sixteen


4. When will and party be seen what.

a. Wednesday- May 5- 2013
b. Friday 7 2013
c. Thursday 6 2013
d. Saturday 8 2013


Texts for questions 5 to 8

My grandmother is a very gentle, loving and kind person. He is tall and thin. He never raised his voice to anyone. He looks after me when mom and dad go to work. My mother and father get money for our lives. So even though I spent time with Grandma, I really loved her.

Grandma likes to tell stories before going to bed. He usually talks about my grandfather too. He died. My dear grandmother always said good things about her. He once told me that my grandfather was the best person he had ever met.

5. The writer tells about …

a. grandparents
b. His grandmother
c. His grandchildren
d. His grandfather


6. My grandmother is a very gentle, affectionate, and kind person.
The underlined word has the same meaning as …

a. Very nice
b. ugly
c. bad
d. wise


7. How is Grandma’s body?

a. She is gentle
b. He is a good person
c. He is tall and thin
d. He is a loving person.


8. When will you write a fairy tale?

a. Before the writer goes to sleep
b. Before he died
c. When the writer’s parents go to work
d. If he makes money


9. Beggar: “I’m very thirsty. Do you have something?

for drink “
Diana: “…”
Beggar: Yes, please. Thank you very much “

a. This is a cake for you.
b. Yes, do you want a glass of lemon tea?
c. This is bread for you.
d. I don’t eat sandwiches.


Texts for questions 10 through 13

Mr. Warsidi has a garden in his garden and likes to work there. He said it was fun. Today he plants flowers in the garden. There is also an old mango tree in the yard. He always cut leaves and twigs to care for him. He said that flowers need more sun. Pak Warsidi often puts his children in joint management of the park. In this way you will understand how you can protect your environment. Many people told Pak Warsidi how beautiful the park was.

10. What is Pak Warsidi’s hobby?

a. Gardening
b. cycling
c. fish catching
d. read


11. What tree does he have in the yard?

a. Orange
b. mango
c. Apple
d. lime


12. What about Pak Warsidi’s garden?

a. Need more sun
b. That is good
c. It is not in good condition
d. That’s very big


13. Mr. Warsidi … has often helped him maintain the park.

a. children
b. the neighbor
c. old man
d. friend


14. This text tells us about …

a. Basketball tournament
b. Sports Day
c. An exciting game
d. independence


15. How many sports are specified in the text?

a. Three
b. four
c. five
d. six


15. This announcement is for.

a. Students
b. the teacher
c. client
d. Azam


17. Lina: I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.
Aliana: “… I have a lot of homework.”

a. Very good
b. I agree with you
c. Sorry, I can not.
d. That is a good idea


Texts for questions 18 through 20

Ma’am, I borrowed a black suede clutch and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday party tonight.

18. Thank you very much

Who wrote the short message.

a. Princess
b. mother
c. like milk
d. Princess’s friend


19. The bag has … a pocket.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4


20. Who has a birthday party.

a. mother
b. like milk
c. daughter
d. Friend Bima

I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. asked one of his friends to help him carry his books …

The best expression is…

a. do you want to help me carry these books?

2. Who is invited to the party?

a. Beni

3. How old is Lina?

b. fourteen

4. When will and party be seen?

d. Saturday, Nov 8 2013

5. The writer tells about …

b. His grandmother

6. My grandmother is a very gentle, affectionate, and kind person.

The underlined word has the same meaning as …

a. very nice

7. How is Grandma’s body?

c. She is tall and thin

8. When will she tell a fairy tale?

a. before the writer goes to sleep

9. Beggar: “I’m very thirsty. Do you have something  for drink?“

Diana: “…”

Beggar: "Yes, please. Thank you very much"

b. Yes, do you want a glass of lemon tea?

10. What is Pak Warsidi’s hobby?

a. Gardening

11. What tree does he have in the yard?

b. Mango

12. What about Pak Warsidi’s garden?

b. That is good

13. Mr. Warsidi's … has often helped him maintain the park.

a. children

Pertanyaan 14-16 tidak ada teksnya, berikut arti pertanyaannya.

14. Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang…

15. Berapa banyak olahraga yang ditentukan dalam teks?

16. Pengumuman ini bertujuan untuk…

17. Lina: I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.

Aliana: “… I have a lot of homework.”

c. Sorry, I can not.

18. Who wrote the short message?

a. Princess

19. The bag has … pockets.

b. 2

20. Who has a birthday party?

d. Friend, Bima

Read the following explanations.


1. Seseorang meminta salah satu temannya untuk membawakan bukunya, maka ungkapan terbaik dari pilihan adalah 'apakah kamu mau membantuku membawa buku-buku ini?'. Pilihan lain menunjukkan jawabannya, atau seseorang dapat memberi bantuan.

2. Telah jelas bahwa yang diundang adalah Beni dengan teks di awal paragraf, 'To: Beni'.

3. Pada teks Lina mengatakan, 'Please come to my 14th birthday party', 'Harap datang ke pesta ulang tahunku yang ke-14'. Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Lina berusia 14.

4. Telah jelas pada teks bahwa pesta akan diadakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 8 November 2013. Dapat dilihat pada teks, 'What was done on: Saturday  November 8, 2013.

5. Pada teks, penulis menjelaskan tentang neneknya, his grandmother. Dapat dilihat pada seluruh teks.

6. Kind person artinya orang yang ramah, baik hati. Kind person sama artinya dengan very nice. Arti kata lainnya:

ugly = jelek

bad = buruk

wise = bijaksana

7. Bagaimana tubuh nenek? Maksudnya adalah ciri fisik. Jawaban ada pada kalimat kedua, yaitu 'she is tall and thin'.

8. Pertanyaan yang tepat seharusnya 'kapan dia (nenek) menceritakan cerita dongeng?'. Jawaban yang tepat adalah sebelum tidur, yang terdapat pada kalimat pertama paragraf kedua. 'Grandma likes to tell stories before going to bed.

9. Pengemis tersebut sedang meminta minum, dengan kata kunci 'drink'. Diana menawarkan lemon tea.

10. Hobi Pak Warsidi adalah berkebun. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat pertama dan kedua pada paragraf tersebut.

11. Pohon apa yang dimilikinya di kebun? Jawaban terdapat pada kalimat ke-4.

12. Bagaimana dengan kebun Pak Warsidi? Pada teks, memang bunga-bunga memerlukan matahari lebih, namun secara keseluruhan kebun Pak Warsidi itu indah karena dirawat secara rutin. That is good.

13. "… Pak Warsidi telah sering membantunya merawat taman". Jawaban terdapat pada kalimat ke-7, Pak Warsidi's children.

17. Lina mengundang Aliana untuk datang ke pesta ulang tahun. Aliana menjawab memiliki banyak pekerjaan, maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah, 'sorry, I can not', maaf saya tidak bisa.

18. Siapa yang menulis pesan? Jawaban yang paling memungkinkan adalah 'Princess'. Pada teks ditulis daughter, anak perempuan.

19. Tas tersebut memiliki …. saku. Pada teks "I borrowed a black suede clutch and two side pockets" ditunjukkan bahwa tas tersebut memiliki 2 sisi saku.

20. Telah jelas pada teks, 'I need it for Bima’s birthday party tonight'. Yang mengadakan pesta adalah Bima.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Question about invitation text: brainly.co.id/tugas/22315064

2. Accepting invitation letter: brainly.co.id/tugas/7900392

3. What information should be mentioned in an invitation letter?: brainly.co.id/tugas/13006682

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa inggris

Bab: Stating invitation, future agenda and making greeting/ invitation card

Kode: 8.5.4
