Complete these sentences with the correct noun clauses using Whether or if .1 . A : can you manage to come to the meeting tonight?B : I am doubtful……………..2 . A : will mr.arif be the speaker in the ceremony?B : no, I don’t know……………..3 . A : has mila called me?B : I don’t know……………..4 . A : randy was involvedin a fight yesterdayB : I don’t really care……………..5 . A : will tommy present today?B : …………………. Is not the issue now.6 . A : I don’t tihnk taking extra part time job will be good for youB : …………….. Is my personal decision7 . A : are you sure they will help us?B : I am not sure………………8 . A : has you father sentthe letter?B : I don’t know9 . A : did your brother eat tha cakeB : I am doubtful ………… He doesn’t really like eating the cake10 . A : hanna can’t come to the party tonight .B : well , ………………… Is not the important thing now .

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Mohon bantuannya , bsok dikumpul .

Complete these sentences with the correct noun clauses using Whether or if .1 . A : can you manage to come to the meeting tonight?B : I am doubtful……………..2 . A : will mr.arif be the speaker in the ceremony?B : no, I don’t know……………..3 . A : has mila called me?B : I don’t know……………..4 . A : randy was involvedin a fight yesterdayB : I don’t really care……………..5 . A : will tommy present today?B : …………………. Is not the issue now.6 . A : I don’t tihnk taking extra part time job will be good for youB : …………….. Is my personal decision7 . A : are you sure they will help us?B : I am not sure………………8 . A : has you father sentthe letter?B : I don’t know9 . A : did your brother eat tha cakeB : I am doubtful ………… He doesn’t really like eating the cake10 . A : hanna can’t come to the party tonight .B : well , ………………… Is not the important thing now .

Hello Yupiserakah9

1. I'm doubtful whether I can come to the meeting tonight or not.
2. No, I don't know if Mr. Arif will be the speaker.
3. I don't know whether she has called you or not.
4. I don't really care if he was involved in a fight
5. Whether Tommy will be present or not is not the issue now.
6. Whether taking extra part time job is good or not is my personal decision.
7. I am not sure if they'll help us.
8. I don't know whether he has sent the letter or hasn't
9. I am doubtful if he ate that cake
10. Whether she can come or not