Study Tour to Bogor and Bandung

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I went to Bogor with my teachers and my friends. It was a study tour actually. Study tour was held when I was junior high school. That was my first time I went to Puncak,Bogor. My teacher, my class friends, and I were in the same bus. We left our school at 10 p.m. The trip to Puncak from Cirebon was about 7 hours. After 7 hours on the way, finally we arrived in Bogor. It was about 5.00 a.m. We stopped in a mosque to pray first.
Some of my friends took a bath in the mosque. But, I just brushed my teeth and washed my face because there was so cold. It made me lazy to touch the water.​

Study Tour to Bogor and Bandung

Study Tour to Bogor and Bandung


21. The text tells about the writer's B. experience at Taman Safari Bogor.

22. How many days did the writer spend for study tour? C. two days

23. What did the writer do after visiting Taman Safari Bogor? They D. went to the villa to take a rest.

24. "… but I was very happy because I could spend time with my friends"

The word "happy" can be replaced by D. glad.

25. She C. was very happy when she heard the news about her graduation

26. My friends B. was here thirty minutes ago.

Your welcome !

feel free to send me a message if you need help 🙂

— Irina


21. Experience at Taman Safari, Bogor (B)

22. Two days (C)

23. Went to the villa and take a rest (D)

24. Glad (B)

25. Was (C)

26. Were (A)


21. Ada di kalimat : 'Then, we went to Taman Safari Bogor'.

22. Kenapa 'Two days' aja? Karena, penulisnya bilang, dia cuman ke Bogor terus ke Bandung. Itupun, di bandung, setelah mereka keliling, mereka langsung pulang. Jadi hanya dua hari.

23. Ada di kalimat : "After watched the animal circus, we went back to bus and went to the villa to take a rest'.

24. 'Glad' dalam bahasa indonesia adalah 'Senang'. 'Glad' artinya sama dengan 'Happy'. Jadi jawabannya (B)

25. Kenapa 'Was'? Karena, Was digunakan untuk Third person singular (orang ketiga tunggal) – he, she, it.

26. Kenapa 'Were'? Karena, Were digunakan untuk second person singular and plural (orang kedua tunggal dan jamak) – you, your, yours – juga first and third person plural (orang pertama dan ketiga jamak) – we, they.

semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah.

– Have a nice day 🙂