1. what are the modifiers in the noun phrase?

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"small blue ball" ?
a. size – color – noun
b. opinion – color – noun
c. color – size – noun
d. origin – participle – noun
e. color – material – noun

2. the culprit refuse to answer the question.
what is the noun phrase of the sentence?
a. the culprit refuse
b. the question
c. to answer the question
d. refuse to answer
e. the question

3. the dogs prefer living in light stables.
what is the noun phrase of the sentence?
a. prefer living
b. living in light stables
c. the dogs prefer living
d. the dogs
e. light stables

4. mom baked tasty chocolate cookies.
what is the noun phrase of the sentence?
a. mom
b. tasty chocolate
c. tasty chocolate cookies
d. cookies
e. chocolate cookies

5. the girl denied yelling her friends
what is the noun phrase of the sentence?
a. yelling
b. the girl denied
c. yelling her friends
d. denied yelling
e. her friend

6. the girl wants to go home
what is the noun phrase of the sentence?
a. home
b. to go home
c. the girl
d. the girl wants
e. wants to go

1. what are the modifiers in the noun phrase?


  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. e
  5. b
  6. e

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