Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

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Population (mean) a. …. the number of people who live in a particular area. The population of the world (not stay) b. …. the same. At the moment it (grow) c. …. at an increasing rate. In fact, scientists (believe) d. …. that the world population will increase until 2200, and then stop growing. However, things are not the same in all parts of the world. At present many Western industrial countries the population (fall) e. …. This (happen) f. …. because families are small, and health condition are good. In developing countries, on the other hand, the population (rise) g. …. sharply. In Ghana, for example, most families (have) h. …. several children. Many children in Ghana (die) i. …. from illness, so it is important to have lots of children. They earn money for the family and (look after) j. …. their parents in old age.

Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

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Population (a) means the number of people who live in a particular area. The population of the world (b) doesn’t stay the same. At the moment it (c) is growing at an increasing rate. In fact, scientists (d) believe that the world population will increase until 2200, and then stop growing. However, things are not the same in all parts of the world. At present in many Western industrial countries the population (e) is falling. This (f) is happening because families are small, and health conditions are good. In developing countries, on the other hand, the population (e) is rising sharply. In Ghana, for example, most families (f) have several children. Many children in Ghana (g) die from illness, so it is important to have lots of children. They earn money for the family and (h) look after their parents in old age.  


Simple present tense digunakan pada kejadian atau aktivitas yang selalu terjadi atau rutinitas atau kebiasaan. Rumus simple present tense adalah

Subject + verb 1.

Present continuous tense digunakan pada kejadian atau aktivitas yang sedang terjadi saat dibicarakan dan belum selesai. Rumus present continuous tense adalah

Subject + am/are/is + verb -ing + object.

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