1. (ls, are, am) … they coming for dinner?

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2. Dudi … (is, are, am) sleeping on the sofa.
3. My uncle is… (sitting, sits, sat) on the chair now.
4. I am … (have, has having) dinner now
5. My sister …(is learning, are leaming, am learning) English
6. They … (are opening, opens, opened) a new figure shop now.
7. The girl … (is going, go, are going) there
8. Sinta and Rina … (reads, are reading, is reading) a book at the veranda.​

1. (ls, are, am) … they coming for dinner?


1. Are

2. Is

3. Sitting

4. Having

5. Is learning

6. Are opening

7. Is going

8. Are reading