Soal terlampir~

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Jawab pertanyaan diatas dengan benar dan menggunakan penjelasan!

Aisyah and her family will go to Bali next holiday. They will get there by car next Saturday. They will stay at hotel for next three days. Next evening, they will have dinner in Melasti restaurant. Tomorrow, they will go to Pandawa beach. Aisyah will swim and play the sand. Her parents will walk around the beach and take some pictures. In the beach, they will have lunch some fish. They will see a beautiful scenery. Next Monday, Aisyah will buy some souvenirs and many snacks for her friends in Krisna store. They will be happy. 21. What will Aisyah buy in Krisna store?​

Soal terlampir~

Soal terlampir~


she will buy some souvenirs dan she will buy many snacks.


Tertera di kalimat kedua dari paling bawah.