Minta tolong dong. carikan simple present tense teks ini

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Minta tolong dong. carikan simple present tense teks ini

Minta tolong dong. carikan simple present tense teks ini

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Dari teks report mengenai hand phone hampir keseluruhan menggunakan simple present tense baik dalam bentuk verba, nomina maupun bentuk passive karena berdasarkan fakta/kenyataan.  

Untuk mengetahui bahwa kalimat ini merupakan bentuk simple present tense atau bukan adalah dengan mencermati kata kerja / predikat nya.

Simple present tense ( Nominal sentence )

  • A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world.
  • A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way

Simple present tense ( Verbal sentence )

  • Million people use cell phone for their communication.
  • Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data.
  • A cell phone or in long term "cellular telephone" works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular.
  • The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave.

Simple present tense ( passive voice ) => Be+verb-3

  • The towers are networked to a central switching station.
  • Cellulars are picked up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network.


Simple present tense merujuk pada kejadian nyata di masa lampau, saat ini dan akan tetap selalu sama  di tahun – tahun mendatang.  

Tenses ini juga menjabarkan fakta kebenaran umum, kebenaran yang tak terbatas dan aktivitas yang terus- menerus berulang  ( kebiasaan/habit/ routine )

Penggunaan keterangan frekuensi ( Adverb of frequency) sebagai identifikasi utama dalam menyatakan routine/habit/kebiasaan  :

Always, usually, often, everyday, seldom, rarely, daily, never, frequently, occasionally , ever, sometimes, regularly.


Struktur kalimat dikategorikan ke dalam 2 jenis, Verbal dan nominal.  

1. Rumus Simple present tense ( verbal sentence )

  • Verbal sentence merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja. Example : eat, drink, cry, watch, wash and etc.

(+) Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object/C

(-)  Subject + do/does +not + Verb 1 + Object/C

(?) Do/does+ Subject + Verb 1 + Object/C?

Example :

(+ ) The children always play football in the yard ( Habit/kebiasaan)

( – ) The children don't always play football in the yard

(? ) Do the children always play football in the yard?

2. Rumus simple present tense ( nominal sentence )

  • Nominal sentence merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya bukan berupa kata kerja. Pada umumnya selalu diikuti dengan kata benda ( noun), kata sifat ( adjective ), dan keterangan ( adverb )

(+ ) Subject + tobe(is/am/are) +noun/adjective/adverb

(- )  Subject + tobe(is/am/are) + not + noun/adjective/adverb

( ? ) tobe(is/am/are)+ subject +noun/adjective/adverb?

Example :

( + ) She is a teacher  ( bagian dari profesi, mata pencaharian keseharian )

( – )  She is a teacher

(? )  Is she a teacher?


For more information , learn about the similar topics :  ( definition of simple present )   ( pattern  of simple present )

Detail Answer  

Level          : Jhs  (8)

Subject     :  English

Category   : Sentence structure

Code         :  5

Categorization : 8.5.5

Keywords  =  Simple present tense ; cellular phone ; analysis reading text