Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses. Use the Simple Present Tense.

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1. Ms. Jones and Mr. Anderson (teach) ______________ at the local high school. Ms. Jones
(teach) ________________ math.
2. Alex (like) __________ tea, but he (like, not) __________ coffee.
3. Robert (be, not) ___________ hungry. He (want, not) ____________ a sandwich.
4. Birds (fly) ________________. They (have) _____________ wings.
5. A bird (fly) _____________. It (have) _____________ wings.
6. This pen (belong, not) _____________ to me. It (belong) __________ to Pierre.
7. Jason (do, always) ____________ his homework. He (go, never) ____________ to bed until
his homework is finished.
8. Mr. Chen (pay, always) ___________ attention in class. He (answer) ___________ questions.
He (listen) ____________ to the teacher. He (ask) ____________ questions.​

Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses. Use the Simple Present Tense.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. teach ; teaches

2. likes ; doesn't like

3. is not ; doesn't want

4. fly ; have

5. flies ; has

6. doesn't belong ; belongs

7. always does ; never goes

8. always pays ; answers ; listens; asks


Simple present tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan hal yang fakta atau rutin terjadi.

(+) Subject + verb 1 (-s/-es)

(-) Subject + do/does + verb 1 (base form)

(?) Do/does + subject + verb 1 (base form)


tambahan -s atau -es pada verb 1 di tense ini untuk subject he, she, dan it.

do untuk subject I, you, they, dan we.

does untuk subject he, she, dan it.

base form artinya kata kerja bentuk dasar tanpa imbuhan -s atau -es.

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