Tolong kerjain bahasa Inggris kls 4​

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Tolong kerjain bahasa Inggris kls 4​

Tolong kerjain bahasa Inggris kls 4​


C. Reading

1. False

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

D. Writing

1. I am a kid police.

2. It is a school bus.

3. Police keeps school kids safety.

4. Police is kids friendly.

5. I love my duty.


C. Reading

1. From the text, Sarah (as the writer) doesn't wrote if Anna is her friend. Besides that, the sentence she made appeared to be for a child. So, maybe Anna is her sister.

2. Yes she is. She wrote that she have to join School's safety patrol's training.

3. No, because Sarah told her not to accept candy from strangers.

4. Yes she is, because Sarah told her.

5. No, Sarah wrote that she has to go to school. So, she might probably is a student.


D. Writing

1. I am a kids police: saya adalah polisi anak anak.

2. It is a school bus: itu adalah bis sekolah.

3. Police keeps school kids safety: polisi menjaga keamanan anak anak sekolah.

4. Police is kids friendly: polisi itu (bukan menunjuk kepada 1/lebih orang) ramah anak anak.

5. I love my duty: saya suka tugas saya.


1.Anna is Sarah's friend                                                  True

2.Sarah becomes a member of school safety patrol   True

3.Anna must accept candy from strangers                    False

4.Anna is not allowed to watch TV until late                  False

5.Sarah is not a student                                                   False

1. I am a police kid

2. it is a school bus

3. police kids keeps school safety

4. police kids is friendly

5. i love my duty
