Example: I will have a test tomorrow answer: I hope you can do the test (silahkan tulis ungkapan harapan memakai wish/hope) 1. I will graduate from yunior high school next year * Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi 2. my team will join the football competition * 3. I will move to my new house * 4. Mother will go to Lampung *

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plisss tolong jawab​

Example: I will have a test tomorrow answer: I hope you can do the test (silahkan tulis ungkapan harapan memakai wish/hope) 1. I will graduate from yunior high school next year * Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi 2. my team will join the football competition * 3. I will move to my new house * 4. Mother will go to Lampung *


1. I hope you pass with separating marks nilai

2. I hope your team will be champion in

3. Have a nice new home.

4. I hope you arrive safely to Lampung