Combine each pair of sentences below using correlative conjunctions!

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1. – we will reach the island by boat
– we will reach the island by helicopter

2. – peace is better than war
– peach is infinitely more arduous than war

3. – he was not one of those born to obey
– he was not one of those born to command

4. – i am not sure i will still be in town next week
– i am not sure i will leave already next week

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Combine each pair of sentences below using correlative conjunctions!

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Combine each pair of sentences below using correlative conjunctions.

1. We will reach the island not only by boat but also by helicopter.

2. Peace is not only better than war but also infinitely more arduous than war.

3. Neither he was one of those born to obey nor to command.

4. Neither I am sure I will be in town nor leave already next week.


Ada 4 correlative conjunctions yang biasa digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang memiliki persamaan subject maupun object.

1. not … but also …

2. both … and …

3. either … or …

4. neither … nor ,,,

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