bahasa Indonesia nya how to protect youself against corona virus ,corona virus disease 2019 (covid 19) ,corona virus diasease 2019 abbreviatedas ko bid 19 isrespiratony llness that spreads from parsons to parsons spreads from parsons to parson itu is caused by anew virus that was first detected in China and gas now been detected around the world including ? tolong Jawab donk​

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bahasa Indonesia nya how to protect youself against corona virus ,corona virus disease 2019 (covid 19) ,corona virus diasease 2019 abbreviatedas ko bid 19 isrespiratony llness that spreads from parsons to parsons spreads from parsons to parson itu is caused by anew virus that was first detected in China and gas now been detected around the world including ? tolong Jawab donk​


bagaimana melindungi diri terhadap virus korona, penyakit virus korona 2019 (covid 19), virus corona diasease 2019 disingkat sebagai covid 19 isrespiratonyllness yang menyebar dari orang ke orang menyebar dari orang ke orang itu disebabkan oleh virus baru yang pertama kali terdeteksi di Cina dan gas sekarang telah terdeteksi di seluruh dunia termasuk?


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