Buat contoh teks Prosedur

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Analisalah teks tersebut berdasarkan definition, social function, generic structure dan language feature​

Buat contoh teks Prosedur


Example of Descriptive Text:

                                                        My Cat

         My Sphinx cat is the only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as he has a peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My Sphinx has a normal cat proportion.

       I like his tail although my mom say that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual color varieties including, tortoiseshell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac, chocolate etc. He is really an amazing cat. Believe it or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice commands.

        He is really funny as well as my friends get a joke. I love him so much as I love my mother.

1. The social function of descriptive text is to describe everything such as a person, animal, plant or thing/inanimate object with the properties attached to it such as its shape, characteristics, number, size, type, color, etc. so that the readers can know what something (which we describe) looks like though he has never seen it in person.

Terjemahannya: Descriptive Text berfungsi menggambarkan segala sesuatu baik itu manusia, hewan, tumbuhan atau benda mati dengan sifat yang melekat padanya seperti bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya, ukuran, jenis, warna, dan sebagainya sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui seperti apa sesuatu itu dari gambaran yang kita sampaikan meskipun ia belum pernah melihatnya secara langsung.

2. Generic Structure of descriptive text:

Generic Structure is a special procedure of writing for a particular text. This arrangement should be written in sequence. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:


Identification functions as an introduction to what we are explaining. This section contains an introduction and an overview of the topic. This section usually consists of one paragraph, located at the beginning of the text.


The description section contains special characteristics or traits contained in objects, people, or animals that we are explaining. This section usually consists of several paragraphs.

Terjemahannya: Generic Structure merupakan tata cara penulisan khusus dari sebuah teks tertentu. Susunan ini sebaiknya ditulis secara urut. Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text adalah:


Identification berfungsi sebagai pengenalan dari apa yang sedang kita  jelaskan. Bagian ini berisi pendahuluan dan gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. Bagian ini biasanya terdiri dari satu paragraf, terletak di awal teks.


Pada bagian description berisi ciri-ciri khusus atau sifat-sifat yang terdapat pada benda, orang, atau hewan yang sedang kita jelaskan. Bagian ini biasanya terdiri dari beberapa paragraf.

3. Language Feature of descriptive text:

– Describing a specific participant. It has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Kuta beach, my school, Borobudur temple, aunt Mary.

– Using adjectives to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a beautiful woman, the famous place in Bali island, etc.

– Using simple present tense: the sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described.

– Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example: cook, study, run, sleep, walk, cut, eat,  etc)

Terjemahannya: Fitur Bahasa teks deskriptif:

– Menjelaskan hal/benda tertentu. Hal tersebut memiliki obyek tertentu, tidak umum dan unik (hanya satu). misalnya: Pantai Kuta, sekolah saya, Candi Borobudur, Bibi Mary.

– Menggunakan kata sifat untuk memperjelas kata benda, misalnya: pantai yang indah, wanita cantik, tempat terkenal di pulau Bali, dan lain-lain.

– Menggunakan present present tense: pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah simple present karena menceritakan fakta obyek yang dijelaskan.

– Kata kerja aksi: kata kerja yang menunjukkan aktivitas atau melakukan sesuatu kegiatan (misalnya: memasak, belajar, berlari, tidur, berjalan, memotong, makan, dan lain-lain) ·  



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