II. Fill the blank with the most suitable conditional sentence exercise type 1 and 2

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1. He__
(wash) his hands if you give him some soap.
2. If you close the door, nobody__ (see) you.
If we__
(eat) too much, we would get fat.
I will travel to the USA if I__
(have) enough money.
5. If you__ (get) up early, you would catch the bus.
6. If I have some money, I__ (buy) a new car.

If Tracy had a mobile phone, she____ (to phone) all her friends.

8.I__ (to be) very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.
9. If the boys__ (to win) this matches, their coach will invite them to a
10. If you don't read these articles, you
(know) the facts about Africa.

II. Fill the blank with the most suitable conditional sentence exercise type 1 and 2



1. He will wash his hands if you give him some soap.

2. If you close the door, nobody will see you.

3. If we ate too much, we would get fat.

4. I will travel to the USA if I have enough money.

5. If you got up early, you would catch the bus.

6. If I have some money, I will buy a new car.

7. If Tracy had a mobile phone, she would phone all her friends.

8. I will be very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.

9. If the boys win these matches, their coach will invite them to a


10. If you don't read these articles, you will not know the facts about Africa.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Conditionals (pengandaian) dalam Bahasa Inggris.


1. Dia akan mencuci tangannya jika kamu memberinya sabun.

2. Jika kamu menutup pintu, tidak ada yang akan melihatmu.

3. Jika kita makan terlalu banyak, kita akan menjadi gemuk.

4. Aku akan bepergian ke Amerika Serikat jika aku memiliki cukup uang.

5. Jika kamu bangun pagi, kamu akan naik bus.

6. Jika aku punya uang, aku akan membeli mobil baru.

7. Jika Tracy memiliki ponsel, dia akan menelepon semua temannya.

8. Aku akan sangat marah pada Nick jika dia melupakan CD ku lagi.

9. Jika para anak laki-laki memenangkan pertandingan ini, pelatih mereka akan mengundang mereka untuk


10. Jika kamu tidak membaca artikel ini, kamu tidak akan tahu fakta tentang Afrika.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 1:

if+ subject + VI (Simple Present Tense) + Subject + will + Verb-1

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 2:

If + subject + V2/simple past tense + Subject + would + Vl/past future tense

Semoga membantu ya.