Elemen kartu ucapan?tolong bantu jawab​

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Elemen kartu ucapan?tolong bantu jawab​


Struktur greetings card terdiri dari receiver (penerima), body (isi), dan sender (pengirim). Receiver atau penerima adalah kepada siapa kartu ucapan ini ditujukan. Receiver ditulis di bagian paling atas kartu. Penulisan nama penerima biasa diikuti oleh kata “to” dan “dear”

Aturan Dalam Menulis Greeting Card

Harus mudah dipahami – Isi kartu harus jelas, singkat, juga sopan tetapi penuh dengan makna.

Mengucapkan tentang harapan.Tertera nama si pengirim dan nama si penerima – Hal yang paling penting untuk diketahui sebelum menulis ucapan adalah kepada siapa kartu tersebut akan diberikan.

The structure of the greeting card consists of a receiver (recipient), body (contents), and sender (sender). Receiver or recipient is to whom this greeting card is addressed.Receiver is written at the very top of the card. Writing the name of the recipient is usually followed by the words "to" and "dear"

addressed.Receiver is written at the very top of the card. Writing the name of the recipient is usually followed by the words "to" and "dear"Rules for Writing Greeting Cards

Must be easy to understand – The content of the card must be clear, concise, also polite but full of meaning.

Must be easy to understand – The content of the card must be clear, concise, also polite but full of meaning.Saying about hope. The name of the sender and the name of the recipient are listed –The most important thing to know before writing a greeting is to whom the card will be given.