tolong bantuannya dong bikin kalimat “stand” ke dalam simple present tense, past tense, present continous,present perfect, future tense. pake postiv,negativ,intro. mohon bantuannya ya:)

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tolong bantuannya dong bikin kalimat “stand” ke dalam simple present tense, past tense, present continous,present perfect, future tense. pake postiv,negativ,intro. mohon bantuannya ya:)

Simple present : (+) I stand on my table  (-) I don't stand on my table  (?) Do you stand on your table? 
Past Tense : (+) She stood on the cair (-) She didn't stand on the cair (?) Did she stand on the cair ?
Present continous : (+) She is standing in front of the class  (-) She isn't standing in front of the class  (?) Is she standing in front of the class ?                                         Perfect tense  : (+) I have already stood on the chair  (-) I haven't stood on the cair yet  (?) Have you stood on the cair yet ?                                                                      Future tense : (+) I will stand in the bus tomorrow  (-) I won't stand in the bus tomorrow  (?) Will you stand in the bus tomorrow ?