How is the plant guava !
#preparation of guava fruit seeds
-Prepare one guava fruit
-Peel the guava fruit and take the seeds
-Wash the fruit seeds in running water until they are clean
-Soak the seeds for 3 – 6 hours in water
-Remove any floating seeds
-Take the sunken seeds
-Keep the seeds for one day
#Seeding for guava seeds
-Mix sand, soil and compost in a ratio of 2: 1: 1
-Enter the mixture into a pot or poly bag as much as ¾ parts
-Leave it for two weeks
-Place the seeds on top of the mixture
-Cover with sand
-Flush with enough water
-Monitor the growth of guava shoots
-Don't forget to do watering regularly
-Keep the planting medium moist
#penyiapan benih buah jambu biji
-Siapkan satu buah jambu biji
-Kupas buah jambu biji dan ambil bijinya
-Cuci biji buah dengan air mengalir sampai bersih
-Rendam benih selama 3 – 6 jam di dalam air
-Ambil biji yang tenggelam
– Simpan benih selama satu hari
# Penyemaian benih jambu biji
-Campur pasir, tanah dan kompos dengan perbandingan 2: 1: 1
-Masukkan adonan ke dalam pot atau polybag sebanyak ¾ bagian
-Tinggalkan selama dua minggu
-Taruh biji di atas campuran trsbt
-Siram dengan air secukupnya
-Pantau pertumbuhan pucuk jambu biji
-Jangan lupa lakukan penyiraman secara rutin
-Jaga kelembaban media tanam
NB:Sorry If Wrong 🙂 ,, Hope It Helps)))))