How to Remove Stains from Cotton Clothing Treat the stain with water. Before you begin

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washing, always pre-soak the clothing and keep the stain wet using cold water. This will prevent
the stain from drying, thereby "setting" and becoming far more difficult to remove. If possible,
keep the stained area completely submerged in water. If it is impossible to submerge the stain,
blot it with water. Never rub, because rubbing the stain can spread it around the fabric, creating a
larger stain than you originally had. Avoid contact with heatHeat will speed the setting of most
types of stains. Therefore, avoid placing the stained material near any heat sources or in direct
sunlight, and use only cold water and solvents when treating it. Avoid pressure. Don't
vigorously press the fabric or scrub forcefully. You want to avoid grinding the stain deeper into
the fabric, beyond the surface level. Remove stains from cotton. The best solvents for cotton are
commercial detergents (i.e. Tide) and light acids (vinegar). Although bleach can safely be used
on white cotton fabrics, it is very harsh and can damage the clothing,
19. Why should we not rub the stain?
a. Rubbing the stain will ruin the color of the fabric
b. Rubbing the stain will make the fabric dry
c. Rubbing the stain can spread it around the fabric
d. Rubbing the stain can set the stain​

How to Remove Stains from Cotton Clothing Treat the stain with water. Before you begin


C. Rubbing the stain can spread it around the fabric

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Never rub, because rubbing the stain can spread it around the fabric, creating a larger stain than you originally had.