Materi : Expressing Congratulation / Ungkapan selamat

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Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 9

KD : 3.1

Date : Tuesday, 28th July 2020


Read this dialog the answer the questions.



Teacher : The winner of the speech contest in this class is Alia.

      Congratulations, Alia!

Friends  : Congratulations, Alia!

Alia  : Thank you, Ma’am

      Thank you, everybody.

Teacher : Alia, because you’re the winner of the speech contest in this class, you will

    represent this class for the speech  oif our school next week. Prepare your best

                for the contest, will you? I hope you won the first prize, too. Good luck!

Alia  : I hope so, too, Ma’am. Yes I’ll do my best.


1. What does the teacher say to congratulate Alia?……………..

2. What do her friends say to congratulate Alia?…………………

3. What does Alia say to respond her teacher? ………………………

4. What does Alia say to respond her friends? ……………………….

5. What does the teacher say to express her hope to Alia’s success? …………………………

6. What does Alia say to express her hope for her success? ……………………………

7. What does Alia say to respond to the teacher? …………………………….

Materi : Expressing Congratulation / Ungkapan selamat


1. What does the teacher say to congratulate Alia?……………..

answer: "The winner of the speech contest in this class is Alia. Congratulations, Alia!

2. What do her friends say to congratulate Alia?…………………

answer: "Congratulations, Alia!

3. What does Alia say to respond her teacher? ………………………

answer: "Thank you, Ma’am"

4. What does Alia say to respond her friends? ……………………….

 answer: " Thank you, everybody."

5. What does the teacher say to express her hope to Alia’s success? …………………………

 answer: "  
I hope you won the first prize, too. Good luck!"

6. What does Alia say to express her hope for her success? ……………………………

answer: " I hope so, too, Ma’am. Yes I’ll do my best."

7. What does Alia say to respond to the teacher? …………………………….

 answer: "Thank you, Ma’am"

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