How well have you read? Answer the following questions!

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1. Where did the writer go last month?
Answer: ………
2. What did they go there for?
3. How did they go?
4. When did they go?
Answer: ……
5. What did they do after parking their car?
Answer: ……
6. Where did they take a rest?
Answer: …..
7. What were there at the beach?
Answer: …..
8. What did the writer feel?
Answer: ……​

How well have you read? Answer the following questions!

How well have you read? Answer the following questions!


1. The writer went to the beach.

2. They wanted to refresh their mind and enjoy the fresh air.

3. They go there by car.

4. Early in the morning

5. They walked along the beach barefooted.

6. They rolled out the mat on the ground.

7. Many children built sand castles, some of them played with their balls and some people sunbathe.

8. The writer was so happy and enjoyed that day.