Tolong dijawab ya kak​

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Tolong dijawab ya kak​

Tolong dijawab ya kak​


1. Carefully, pour the oil to the heated pan.

2. Simply stir the coffee until the coffee and cream are homogeneous.

3. Move the table to the other room cautiously.

4. Kindly read the communal book that we provide for your education, please.

5. Do the test neatly.

6. Put the end of the rope through the loop and tighten it well.

7. Calmly cut the onions, make sure you don't cut yourself when you're crying.

8. Carry the box gently to avoid any further damage.


Kalimat imperative adalah kalimat perintah. Soal ini harus memakai adverbs of manner, yaitu kata keterangan yang menjelaskan apa yang sedang terjadi.

Semoga membantu. Terima kasih, dan semangat!