Bantu jawab ya kak

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1. the classroms are ……. the yard

2. there is a taecher's room it is ……. the mosque and there classroom

3. the is sciene laboratory it is ….. the library and language laboratory

4. the parking area is ….. the classrooms

5. the studenta are studyng … the classroom

6. the library is … the sciene laboratory

7. there is a mosque … the yard

8. there are many strees …… the classroms

9. the yard is in …. of the school

10. there are many deks and chairs …. the classrooms

11. i put my book …. the table

12. there is a white board …. the garuda's picture

tolong jawab ya!! saya bodo dalam bahasa inggris!​

Bantu jawab ya kak


1. the classroms are NEXT TO the yard

2. there is a taecher's room it is BETWEEN the mosque and there classroom

3. the is sciene laboratory it is BETWEEN the library and language laboratory

4. the parking area is BEHIND the classrooms

5. the studenta are studyng .IN the classroom

6. the library is NEXT TO the sciene laboratory

7. there is a mosque NEAR the yard

8. there are many strees IN FRONT OF the classroms

9. the yard is in FRONT of the school

10. there are many deks and chairs IN the classrooms

11. i put my book ON the table

12. there is a white board BELOW the garuda's picture


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Preposition (kata depan / preposisi) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Preposition adalah kata depan yang berfungsi menjelaskan posisi benda benda atau orang dan pergerakan mereka di dalam dimensi ruang dan waktu.

1. ruang kelas ada di sebelah halaman

2. ada ruang guru ANTARA masjid dan ada ruang kelas

3. laboratorium sains ANTARA perpustakaan dan laboratorium bahasa

4. Area parkir di belakang kelas

5. siswa sedang belajar .DI dalam kelas

6. perpustakaan berada di sebelah laboratorium sains

7. ada masjid DEKAT pekarangan

8. ada banyak jalan DI DEPAN kelas

9. halaman ada di DEPAN sekolah

10. ada banyak meja dan kursi DI ruang kelas

11. saya meletakkan buku saya di atas meja

12. ada papan tulis di BAWAH gambar garuda

Semoga membantu ya.