Almost every year floods strike some places in our country. Indonesia One of the big foods was the one

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which struck the region of Trenggalek, East Java in 2007 The flood was followed by a landslide it caused not ony
property destruction but also human casualties
The disaster previewed by the heavy rain that fell down above the top of Mount Penaggungan for three days
long. It caused the bare land on the slopes of the mountain slid to the rivers. As the result, the rivers overflowed in
short time the flood had damaged the fields and the houses Accordingly, many people died due to this
The Search And Rescue team worked so hard to help the people escaping from the flood. They,
many troubles as the roads and the bndges were damaged. After working hard for more than a week, they could
evacuate the victims to the camps And it was identified that more than sixty people died and more 150 families
ost their houses
The government of the regency interfered to overcome the disaster. The regent promised to provide the meals
for the victims during their stay in the refuge camps. He also gave his words that government of the regency
help rebuild their houses
Modified from English way

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Almost every year floods strike some places in our country. Indonesia One of the big foods was the one

Hampir setiap tahun banjir melanda beberapa tempat di negara kita. Indonesia Salah satu makanan besar adalah satu

yang melanda wilayah Trenggalek, Jawa Timur pada 2007. Banjir itu diikuti oleh tanah longsor yang disebabkannya tidak ony

perusakan harta benda tetapi juga korban manusia

Bencana itu diperlihatkan oleh hujan deras yang turun di atas puncak Gunung Penaggungan selama tiga hari

panjang. Itu menyebabkan tanah kosong di lereng gunung meluncur ke sungai. Akibatnya, sungai meluap

waktu singkat banjir telah merusak ladang dan rumah-rumah. Karena itu, banyak orang meninggal karena ini

Tim Pencarian dan Penyelamatan bekerja sangat keras untuk membantu orang-orang yang melarikan diri dari banjir. Namun, mereka

banyak masalah karena jalan dan bndges rusak. Setelah bekerja keras selama lebih dari seminggu, mereka bisa

mengevakuasi para korban ke kamp-kamp Dan diidentifikasi bahwa lebih dari enam puluh orang meninggal dan lebih dari 150 keluarga

ost rumah mereka

Pemerintah kabupaten ikut campur untuk mengatasi bencana. Bupati berjanji akan menyediakan makanan

untuk para korban selama mereka tinggal di kamp-kamp pengungsian. Dia juga memberikan kata-kata bahwa pemerintah kabupaten


membantu membangun kembali rumah mereka

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