Why the Baduy Can’t Technology, Money and Schools​

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Why the Baduy Can’t Technology, Money and Schools​


The Sunda Wiwitan belief is still strong in the Inner Baduy. Residents here are also considered to have closeness to their ancestors. They have no education, are technologically literate, even barefoot, because life as it is is felt as a way to stay close to the Almighty.

Kepercayaan Sunda Wiwitan masih kental di Baduy Dalam. Warga di sini juga dianggap memiliki kedekatan dengan leluhur. Mereka tak mengenyam pendidikan, melek teknologi, bahkan tak beralas kaki, karena hidup apa adanya dirasa sebagai cara untuk tetap dekat dengan Yang Maha Esa.


maaf kalo salah