Dialog dalam bahasa inggris tentang penggundulan hutan

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Dialog dalam bahasa inggris tentang penggundulan hutan

Lina    : "Hey Andre, did you know that Indonesian is one of the green country                 in the world?."

Andre : "Yeah I think I ever heard that"

Lina    : "Hmm, but why Indonesian people's still don't wake up that we must                   save the forest"

Andre : "What are you talking about, Lina?"

Lina    : "I was talking about that our people still ruining the forest"

Andre : "Yeah, that was a great question, but I think because our people still 

              need an education and a lot of necesarry to live"

Lina    : "Yeah it can be tolerated, but why that the people still chopping the                       forest even though they're don't have permission with the                                   government?."

Andre : "I don't know Lina, maybe that's the only way they're survive, maybe                  you must ask to the other people, not me."

Lina    : "Mmm okay, thanks Andre about your opinion, Sorry cause I'm so                       curious."

Andre : "It's fine."

Lina    : "Okay, Thanks."

Anre   : "Your welcome."

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